Resolve Error 0x80244010: Troubleshoot and Fix

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What is 0x80244010?

Error code 0x80244010 signifies that Windows Update has exceeded the number of requests it can process. This happens when there are too many update requests in a short time which causes the server to believe it’s under a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS). For a regular user, this means Windows Update has temporarily stopped working because it’s overloaded.

Common Causes of 0x80244010

  • Multiple rapid update requests to the server.
  • Server-side limitations to prevent abuse.
  • Faulty update sessions that don’t close properly.
  • Network policy settings that incorrectly manage update requests.

How to Diagnose 0x80244010

  • Start by reviewing the Windows Update log files for any anomaly.
  • To access it: Press the Windows key + R, type ‘eventvwr.msc’, and hit Enter to open Event Viewer.
  • In the Event Viewer, navigate to Windows Logs > System and look for error-related entries.
  • Check the network policy settings to ensure they aren’t restricting Windows Update.
  • Investigate the frequency of update requests to ensure they’re not being sent in quick succession.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Fix 0x80244010

Method 1: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter

  • Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’ > ‘Troubleshoot’.
  • Select ‘Windows Update’ and execute the troubleshooter.
  • Adhere to the on-screen directions to address any found problems.

Method 2: Stagger Automatic Update Requests

  • Adjust Group Policy settings to limit the frequency of update checks: Press Windows key + R, type ‘gpedit.msc’, and press Enter.
  • Navigate to ‘Computer Configuration’ > ‘Administrative Templates’ > ‘Windows Components’ > ‘Windows Update’.
  • Configure ‘Automatic Updates detection frequency’ to a higher interval.

Method 3: Reset Windows Update Components

  • Disable the Windows Update Services by typing ‘services.msc’ in the Start search bar and pressing Enter.
  • In the Services window, locate ‘Windows Update’, right-click, and select ‘Stop’.
  • Navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution and delete its contents.
  • Re-enable the Windows Update Services by right-clicking and selecting ‘Start’.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If the problem persists, more technical solutions may be needed:

  • Examine the network configuration for any anomalies that might affect connectivity to the update servers.
  • Consider modifying the registry to reset the update components, but only if you’re experienced with registry editing.
  • Incorrect registry editing can cause irreparable system damage. When dealing with such complex issues, professional assistance is usually the safest route.

Preventing Future 0x80244010 Issues

To prevent this error from recurring:

  • Set updates to install during off-peak hours for less server demand.
  • Regularly clean the SoftwareDistribution folder to avoid excessive temporary file buildup.
  • Ensure a stable internet connection when processing updates to avoid incomplete sessions.

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