Resolve Error 0x80244018: Troubleshoot and Fix

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What is 0x80244018?

Error Code 0x80244018 is a Windows Update error that typically arises when a PC fails to connect to the Windows Update servers. This can be due to something preventing the necessary transfer of files. It may surface during the update process, particularly when attempting to install new features or security patches.

Common Causes of 0x80244018

  • Network connection issues.
  • Incorrect system settings.
  • Conflicts with the local Windows Update cache.
  • Interference from third-party security software.

How to Diagnose 0x80244018

Start by:

  • Checking your internet connection to ensure it’s stable.
  • Inspecting Windows Update settings for irregularities.
  • Using the Event Viewer: Press the Windows key, type ‘Event Viewer’, and press Enter. Look under ‘Windows Logs’ and then ‘System’ to find relevant error messages.
  • Running the Windows Update Troubleshooter found in ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’ > ‘Troubleshoot’.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Fix 0x80244018

Method 1: Basic Network Checks

  • Ensure your PC is connected to the internet.
  • Restart your router or modem.
  • Temporarily disable VPN or proxy services.

Method 2: Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

  • Navigate to ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’.
  • Select ‘Troubleshoot’ and choose ‘Additional troubleshooters’.
  • Run the ‘Windows Update’ troubleshooter.

Method 3: Disable Third-Party Security Software

  • Temporarily turn off antivirus or firewall programs.
  • Remember to re-enable them after testing the update.

Method 4: Clear the Windows Update Cache

  • Open the Command Prompt with administrative rights by typing ‘cmd’ in the search bar, right-clicking ‘Command Prompt’ and selecting ‘Run as administrator’.
  • Type ‘net stop wuauserv’ and press Enter to stop the Windows Update service.
  • Type ‘net stop bits’ and press Enter to stop the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  • Navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete all contents.
  • Restart the stopped services by typing ‘net start wuauserv’ and ‘net start bits’ in the Command Prompt.

Advanced Troubleshooting

For persistent errors, consider:

  • Checking the network policy settings.
  • Inspecting group policy settings if on a corporate network.
  • Resetting Windows Update components manually.
  • If you’re not confident with these steps, seek professional technical support.

Preventing Future 0x80244018 Issues

To reduce the risk of this error returning:

  • Maintain a stable and secure internet connection.
  • Regularly update your system and applications.
  • Keep your security software updated and active.
  • Monitor system performance and address anomalies quickly.

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